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Circular Carpet : the ecological and economical ally for businesses

Circular Carpet : the ecological and economical ally for businesses


Stock de dalles de moquette prêtes pour le réemploi


The Circular Carpet, beyond being the literal translation of 'tapis circulaires' in English, represents an interesting concept: creating a virtuous cycle in the use and recycling of carpets. But how does it work, and how is it beneficial for your business and the planet?




What is the Circular Carpet?

The principle is simple: to create a circular economy around carpets. How? By ensuring that used carpets are reused (after cleaning) or recycled. This greatly reduces the environmental impact associated with this type of flooring.

Thus, we think of the carpet's lifecycle as a virtuous circle. It starts with the purchase and installation of a carpet, followed by maintenance to prolong its lifespan. Then, depending on its condition, the carpet is either reused or recycled. Finally, the carpet is put back into circulation for a new owner. In this way, the loop is closed ♻️.


Composil and the Circular Carpet Lease

At Composil, we have defined precise phases for the Circular Carpet Lease and we intervene at each stage of your carpet's lifecycle.


🧼 Use

Our teams of professionals ensure the maintenance and cleaning of your carpet, whether it is new or used. This maintenance is carried out by trained experts following a specific methodology that guarantees an optimal lifespan for your flooring.

We offer several solutions according to our clients' needs:

  • Of course, on-demand cleaning for a specific event (e.g., water damage) is entirely possible. We will do our utmost to intervene as quickly as possible according to your needs, and we will apply our methodology for the best possible result.

  • Our specialty and what sets Composil apart from any other cleaning company is our regular maintenance service! This service package, known as the Carpet Caring Program®️, provides our clients with constant cleanliness and hygiene through bi-weekly visits. This service is specifically designed to tackle any stains promptly and keep the carpet looking like new. The lifespan of your carpet is significantly extended through a process that respects and adapts to the fibers. This program is certified by leading European manufacturers and may even offer you the opportunity to extend your carpet warranty by +10 years.

    In both cases, we have specific machines and patented custom-made products that allow deep cleaning of the carpet while offering improved drying time (on average only 1 hour instead of a full day with conventional cleaning).

Learn more about our Carpet Caring Program®️


⚙️ Reuse

Are you planning a construction or renovation project? Do you want to acquire carpet to enhance the comfort of your space without it being too heavy on your budget? We have THE solution, which is unique and perfectly tailored to meet the new needs of businesses. 

👉 Now you have the opportunity to acquire reclaimed carpet, also known as reconditioned carpet!

What we offer our clients through our ReUse service is carpet removal for those wishing to dispose of it. Through a quality control process, we sort the tiles based on their wear. The least worn are refurbished using Composil's proprietary methodology.

  • Deep cleaning: dirt and bad odors eliminated

  • Fibre straightened: uniform sightline

  • Single point of contact and simplified logistical process

  • ...

These tiles are then reintroduced to the market at very advantageous rates. This way, we obtain "pre-owned" carpet tiles ready to bring joy to new office spaces.

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♻️ Recycle

Carpet tiles in too advanced a state of wear are irrecoverable and become ineligible for the Carpet ReUse Program®️.

👉 Too often, even today, these tiles end up in the incinerator. Burning oil with oil? Is that really consistent with the current context? So why not choose to reclaim and repurpose this material instead?

Our goal was to act in an environmentally responsible manner throughout the product's lifecycle while offering our clients an efficient and economical solution. These excessively worn tiles can now complete their initial lifecycle in our Recycle service.

At this stage, we offer our clients the option to recycle their carpet by collecting the waste they initially wanted to dispose of on-site. Thanks to our longstanding partner, we can transform almost all of the waste from these tiles (or nearly all, depending on their base composition) into new raw materials for producing new tiles.

By proceeding in this way, nothing is wasted, and many tons of CO₂ are not produced each year.

  • You give your old carpet a second lease on life within a circular economy framework.

  • You benefit from simplified processes and avoid multiple points of contact (we handle everything!).

  • You even save money by avoiding increasing incineration costs.

> Learn more about our Recycle service


Join us in the circular economy

Would you like to reduce your environmental impact and contribute to our ecological efforts? It's easy: whether you're interested in purchasing second-hand carpets or in returning and recycling your old tiles, we invite you to fill out our contact form. We'll get back to you promptly.

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