[BLOG] The Guide to Maintain, Clean & Reuse your Office Carpets

Cinema Carpet : our maintenance tips

Written by Léo M. | Jul 16, 2024 11:40:17 AM



Ah, the cinema, what could be better than lounging in front of a good movie while enjoying popcorn, chips, and a drink, all in the dark?

The problem with this combination is that it often causes "accidents": soda spilled on the floor or seats, crumbs from chips everywhere... Thus, it is very often necessary to clean the cinema. But, how frequently? With what tools? We help you see things more clearly.



Daily cleaning : vacuuming

Every two weeks : professional maintenance

The Composil methodology applied to your cinema carpet

The benefits of our carpet caring program

Used Carpet to Outfit Your Cinema**



Daily cleaning : vacuuming

Firstly, it is essential to equip your cinema with high-quality vacuums capable of handling large quantities of crumbs and other debris. It is then recommended to use one of these devices after each screening in your projection rooms.

By following this approach, you reduce the amount of waste in your cinema. While it does require time and human resources, it helps maintain a positive image with your audiences.


Every two weeks : professional maintenance

Vacuuming is good for maintenance, but for cinema carpets, it's far from sufficient. To tackle stubborn stains and maintain a clean and healthy entertainment environment, it's best to schedule a deep cleaning every two weeks by calling in specialists for help.

These carpet cleaning experts use machines specifically designed for this type of flooring. Injector-extractors (the most commonly used) or steam cleaners are two formidable tools when it comes to sanitizing cinema carpets.

Thanks to these tools and their expertise, these professionals effectively help you extend the lifespan of your carpet.


The Composil methodology applied to your cinema carpet

The injector-extractor, also known as a carpet shampooer, is an excellent tool for tackling dirt embedded in your carpet fibers. However, the drying time after treatment is typically close to a full day.

To avoid this and minimize the financial impact on your cinema during our interventions, we have developed a major innovation that drastically reduces drying time.

Indeed, thanks to our products specifically developed in collaboration with a laboratory and the use of a specific methodology, you can enjoy your theaters again just 1 hour after our visit!


The advantages of our Carpet Caring Program

To continually enhance your satisfaction and provide tailored treatment to your needs, we have introduced the Carpet Caring Program®️. This cleaning program is 100% customizable:

  • Days and hours of intervention

  • Rooms to be treated (they can vary from one occasion to another as desired)

  • Cleaning frequency

  • Etc.

Thanks to this and the organization of your establishment, you no longer have to worry about carpet maintenance. We take care of everything!


Used carpet to outfit your cinema

Despite the utmost care given to your carpet, there will come a day when you'll need to replace it due to the natural wear and tear of the material. Here again, Composil has thought of you and your budget by developing its Carpet ReUse service.

Carpet ReUse involves retrieving carpet from our clients and sorting it based on its wear condition:

  • If it's too worn out, we recycle it to allow our partners to create new carpet tiles from the recovered raw material.

  • If it's in good condition, we apply a suitable technical refurbishment to the fibers. Once the carpet is deeply cleaned, we can then resell it on the reuse market at highly competitive prices.

Therefore, you can choose medium to high-end used carpet to outfit your cinema halls. In addition to being economical, it's an environmentally friendly solution that you can highlight in your brand communication. What more could you ask for?