[BLOG] The Guide to Maintain, Clean & Reuse your Office Carpets

Professional carpet cleaning price: find the best value for money

Written by Léo M. | Jul 23, 2024 9:23:28 AM



In a world where brand image and workplace well-being are priorities, the maintenance of office carpets is of utmost importance. Imagine walking into a workspace where every step is accompanied by the cleanliness and freshness of a perfectly maintained carpet. This article delves into the realm of professional carpet cleaning, showing you how to balance quality, efficiency, and cost to transform your professional spaces while respecting your budget.




Introduction to professional carpet cleaning


The importance of regular cleaning for businesses

In the professional world, carpet cleanliness is not just a matter of aesthetics but also of health and workplace comfort. Carpets easily accumulate dust and allergens, necessitating regular maintenance. Opting for professional cleaning services ensures not only impeccable cleanliness and hygiene but also the long-term durability of the carpets.

Why choose professional services over renting equipment?

Faced with the temptation to rent or purchase cleaning equipment, it's crucial to understand the benefits of entrusting this task to experts. Professional service providers use specific equipment and products that ensure a thorough cleaning while being gentle on carpet fibers, reducing drying time, and minimizing disruptions in the workspace.

👉 While your desire to handle it yourself is commendable, remember that maintaining a specific fiber like that of office carpets requires specialized training. Indeed, improper treatment could damage the fiber, either through irreversible discoloration or by altering its natural role as a particle filter 🦠.


Understanding professional carpet cleaning prices


ATTENTION: We are specifically talking about cleaning performed by a specialized and trained team for this type of textile! Often, businesses and Facility Managers turn to general cleaning companies to clean all their office areas: from restrooms to kitchens, and finishing with the carpets... This is a reasonable approach justified by the ease and speed of dealing with a single service provider. But what about the final result?


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> Carpet cleaning : is a cleaning company sufficient?


Factors influencing cleaning costs

The price of professional carpet cleaning varies based on several factors, including the area size, carpet condition, and the chosen cleaning method.

On average, for a one-time service, costs range from €10 to €15 per square meter. These prices can increase for specific treatments or particular carpet conditions.

Also note that regularly maintained carpets, in addition to contributing to the hygiene and aesthetics of your premises, tend to cost much less in the long run! If you have a high-quality carpet, you likely incurred a purchase and installation cost of between €35 and €50 per square meter. Imagine the impact on your budget when you can extend your carpet's average lifespan from 6 to 12 years with proper and regular maintenance!

Comparison of different techniques and their pricing

Various cleaning techniques are available, each with its specific pricing details. For example, dry cleaning, while potentially more expensive initially, offers advantages in terms of preserving the carpet and quick drying.

On the other hand, cleaning with an extraction machine tends to heavily wet your carpet and extend the time between the service and the return to normalcy for your business and employees.

These factors must be considered to determine the most cost-effective and efficient method for your company.


Benefits of professional cleaning for office carpets


Preservation of carpet quality and durability

The use of professional services helps maintain carpet quality over the long term. Professional methods, such as dry cleaning, preserve the integrity of the carpet, reducing the risk of discoloration or deterioration caused by improper cleaning.

We return to the same conclusion: it is always preferable for your costs and comfort to regularly rely on specialists to keep your carpet in good condition for as long as possible.

Impact on health and the work environment

Professional cleaning contributes to a healthier work environment. The techniques used effectively eliminate allergens and reduce exposure to chemicals. Additionally, some methods, like dry cleaning, are more environmentally friendly, using less water and fewer chemicals, which benefits both the environment and employee health.

By efficiently and regularly removing dirt and debris, professional techniques prevent premature wear of fibers, preserving the appearance and structure of carpets over the long term. This not only reduces the frequency of necessary replacements but also decreases the production of materials and waste.



Evaluating carpet cleaning offers: quality vs. price


The importance of quality in choosing cleaning services

Choosing a cleaning company that offers a balance between quality and price is crucial. As you may have understood, a high-quality carpet, maintained by professionals, can reduce long-term costs by avoiding frequent replacements.

Analyze the total cost of ownership and long-term investment

It is important to consider the total cost of ownership of a carpet, including installation, maintenance, replacement, and reinstallation. An initial investment in high-quality carpet and professional cleaning can prove to be more economical in the long run.

To optimize your investment while supporting an eco-friendly approach, consider combining the purchase of high-quality reclaimed carpets with regular professional maintenance. Reclaimed carpets, often from high-end ranges, offer remarkable durability at a reduced cost. By having them maintained by professionals, you extend their lifespan and maintain their aesthetic appeal, further maximizing the savings achieved.

Choosing the right service provider for carpet cleaning


Criteria for selecting a carpet cleaning company

Choosing a cleaning company that offers an optimal balance between quality and price is a strategic decision for any business concerned with its image and budget. To guide you in choosing the right provider, here are a few tips:

  1. Check references and customer reviews: A reputable company will have a solid list of satisfied clients and positive testimonials. This can provide valuable insight into the quality of their services.

  2. Compare offers: Don’t limit yourself to just one quote. Examine several options and compare them not only in terms of cost but also based on the range of services offered

  3. Request a demonstration: Some companies may offer a demonstration of their cleaning service. This is an excellent way to see firsthand the quality of their work and the effectiveness of their methods.

  4. Investigate the methods and products used: Ensure that the company uses environmentally friendly and effective methods and products for different types of carpets.

  5. Evaluate experience and expertise: A company with years of experience in carpet cleaning for B2B clients will have a deeper understanding of the specific needs of businesses.


    Also read 

    > How to choose a quality carpet cleaning company?


How Composil stands out with an unbeatable quality-to-price ratio

At Composil, with over 30 years of expertise in the field and 600+ clients, we have perfected a nearly dry cleaning method for your carpets, significantly reducing drying time to just one hour. This approach ensures a deep clean while preserving the quality and durability of the carpet. Additionally, our personalized maintenance program guarantees a spotless carpet throughout the year, offering a professional cleaning solution at a great price. With Composil, you benefit from an ideal combination of expertise, efficiency, and value.


📝 Key takeaways

Considering costs, quality, and long-term benefits, businesses can make wise choices that benefit both their budget and professional environment.

Here are the key points to remember based on our advice:

  1. Professional Cleaning vs. DIY: Professional cleaning offers superior cleanliness and preserves carpet durability.

  2. Long-Term Costs: Quality maintenance reduces the need for frequent replacements, saving money in the long run.

  3. Environmental Impact: Methods like dry cleaning use fewer resources, supporting sustainability.

  4. Composil’s Expertise: Over 30 years of experience in carpet cleaning with innovative methods.

  5. Composil’s Maintenance Program: A personalized maintenance plan to maintain consistent quality at a great price

  6. Efficiency and Speed: Reduced drying time to one hour to minimize disruptions in the workspace.