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How to maintain a carpet tile to maximize its resistance to traffic and time?

How to maintain a carpet tile to maximize its resistance to traffic and time?


Exemple d'une dalle de moquette vue de près


Would you like to learn more about your carpet and how to clean it effectively? In this article, you will discover:

  • maintenance tips based on the material used for your carpet

  • different essential practices to implement to extend the lifespan of your carpet

  • our expert opinion on maintaining this type of flooring after 30 years of expertise in the field

Carpet is a material that isn’t so simple to maintain if you want to preserve its air filtration properties, soundproofing, comfort, and more. If you're looking to take good care of it, then you're in the right place!




Daily maintenance of your carpets

The flooring surfaces in your offices are often put to the test. Throughout the day, numerous people walk around, leaving behind a trail of various impurities (dust, debris, dust mites, bacteria...) that must be regularly eliminated to maintain the comfort and well-being of the occupants.

For this, vacuuming as often as possible remains the best option. However, let's be clear: when we say "as often as possible," it shouldn't turn into an obsession...

When it comes to vacuum cleaners, it's best to equip yourself with a high-quality device, ideally with a rotating brush. This will facilitate the removal of dust and dust mites, helping you maintain a healthy work environment.

A little extra when vacuuming 1 to 2 times a week? You "fluff up" the fibers of your carpets and straighten them out for a more uniform appearance (which gives a much nicer look to your surface 😉).

🐶 More and more companies also accept the presence of animals in offices, whether for an occasional "dog day" or simply out of habit and tolerance. In both cases, hiring a company specialized in carpet maintenance is highly recommended to prevent the spread of bacteria or allergens from our beloved companions!


Cleaning a stained carpet tile: how should you go about it?

Removing dust and other dirt is important, but what should you do when one of your colleagues spills coffee on your carpet? Or when, during a corporate event, food residues get stuck between the fibers of your carpets?


React promptly

If it's a liquid, use an absorbent product and blot the affected area (do not rub to avoid spreading the stain). By doing so, you'll prevent the liquid from being absorbed too deeply into the fibers.

If it's solid, vacuum the area where the item fell.


What's next ?

Firstly, nothing changes: if not already done, vacuum the surface to remove as much dirt as possible. This prepares for the next step: using an injection-extraction machine remains the most effective solution for deep cleaning your textiles. With its two-step process, you can tackle even the most stubborn stains.

This machine projects a mixture of water and soap to wash the fibers (this is the injection part). The same tool then sucks up this mixture (the extraction). This method allows for deep cleaning and restores your carpet to its original shine.


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Specifics of wool

Wool is a very delicate material: therefore, avoid using any overly harsh products that could dull the colors of your carpet. Opt for natural products that are less corrosive, such as baking soda. Also, use a vacuum cleaner that is gentle and least abrasive possible to prevent creating holes in your carpet.


What about grandma's tips?

As with many other household tasks, there are tricks and tips passed down by our grandmothers to help us tackle dirt that embeds in our carpets.

Baking soda and vacuuming, a mixture of white vinegar and sparkling water, hydrogen peroxide, or even coffee grounds are sometimes recommended, depending on the stains to be removed.

The effectiveness of these methods hasn't been scientifically proven, but if you have these products on hand, they can often be helpful in keeping your carpets clean between deep cleanings with an injection-extraction machine.


Do you need help maintaining your carpet tiles?

Your carpets are in poor condition or stained, and you're not sure how to proceed? It's normal; it's not always easy to know the right steps and avoid making things worse. Fortunately, Composil offers you a regular maintenance program tailored to your needs.


Interested? Let's discuss it!

Complete our contact or quote request form and benefit from the intervention of our experts in carpet tile cleaning.