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Reuse and recycling of carpet tiles

Reuse and recycling of carpet tiles


Réemploi et recyclage de dalles de moquette : la nouvelle possibilité pour les entreprises


Installing carpet in your company offices is often a great idea when it comes to enhancing their layout. However, instead of buying new, did you know that you can opt for recycled carpet tiles? This can truly add value to your company, especially if, like us, you are conscious of your environmental impact. We explain everything in this article!




Operation of carpet recycling

Initially, a company (perhaps yours?) hands over its carpet to Composil (that's us!). By doing so, you avoid the costs associated with incineration and transportation. We take care of everything!

Next comes the sorting stage: we differentiate between heavily damaged carpet that needs disposal and carpet that can be reused.


Did you know?

For the removal and sorting of your used carpets, Composil collaborates with supported employment enterprises (ETA), creating a positive social dimension and professionally reintegrating people with disabilities.


Finally, thanks to our specific and certified methodology, we refurbish carpet tiles that can be restored to put them back on sale at competitive prices.

This service helps businesses interested in acquiring carpet at very attractive prices, while also reducing the environmental impact of the project through a sustainable solution.


Benefits of this solution for companies that entrust their carpet 

When you choose to entrust your carpet to our company, you benefit from :

  • certificates guaranteeing the amount of CO2 saved through this action. These certificates are useful for compliance with environmental regulations imposed by Belgian and European legislation.

  • assurance that these used materials are effectively revalued through our Reuse and Recycle programs. Thanks to us, you give a second life to your flooring.

  • increased participation in the sustainable and circular economy (by avoiding carpet disposal) as well as the social economy (through our partnerships with supported employment enterprises).

  • strengthened image and commitment that you can communicate through your website or social media channels.


Benefits of this solution for companies purchasing our recycled carpet tiles 

Choosing our recycled carpets also offers you numerous benefits:

  • You actively participate in the sustainable economy by promoting the transition to renewable materials

  • You indirectly but actively contribute to the social economy through the involvement of our partners (supported employment enterprises) in the logistics process.

  • You enjoy a wide selection of carpets to personalize your new surface (many colors and varied materials). Our stock of 30,000 m2 consists exclusively of medium to high-quality products.

    With significantly lower prices, you make substantial savings compared to buying new floor coverings, especially when covering large areas.

  • You comply with current legislation in your region. In France, for example, initiatives like AGEC and RE2020 increasingly encourage businesses to purchase sustainable or renewable materials for their offices. This is also the case at the European level with the European Green Deal.

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Composil's expertise for your carpets

Composil has been active in Belgium, France, and Luxembourg for over 30 years, specializing in the maintenance of carpets and textile furnishings. Through our expertise in this field and continuous research, we have expanded our operations to offer increasingly comprehensive solutions that reduce our ecological footprint and that of our clients.

In this context, we have developed our Reuse and Recycle programs. The Reuse program involves refurbishing used carpet tiles, while the Recycle program transforms non-recoverable tiles into raw materials for future use.

With our long-standing expertise supported by major manufacturers and an extensive network of partners, we manage the entire carpet production and installation chain. We remove your old carpets, integrate them into our Reuse & Recycle program, and enable you to choose new carpet tiles from our reuse inventory or from our partners' catalogs.


Are you interested in our Reuse & Recycle program?

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Interested in learning more about our carpet tile reuse and recycling offer? Whether you're looking to entrust us with your used tiles or acquire new ones for your professional spaces, feel free to contact us or request a quote.

We'll be delighted to assess your needs and find the most suitable solution for your project.

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