[BLOG] The Guide to Maintain, Clean & Reuse your Office Carpets

Incorporate reuse carpet into your selection of building materials

Written by Léo M. | Jul 16, 2024 9:19:11 AM




If you're here, it's because you understand how significantly your choice of sustainable construction materials can impact the ecological footprint of your real estate project. As a Facility, Sustainability, Office, or Project Manager, Purchasing Manager, or even CEO, you are likely looking for innovative and easy-to-implement solutions to maximize the economic and ecological efficiency of your (future) space. Have you ever considered reused carpet? Uncommon, isn't it?

In this article, we will explain how to integrate this sustainable material into your construction projects while meeting your company's needs.



What is a sustainable or eco-friendly material?

Some examples of sustainable and eco-friendly materials

🌱 Hempcrete

🧱 Monolithic brick

🌴 Bamboo

🐑 Sheep wool

Reused carpets: what does it mean?

🤑 Economic benefits

🍃 Environmental benefits

⚙️ Practical integration

🧼 Final step: maintenance!



What is a sustainable or eco-friendly material? 

It is essential to recognize that the construction sector has a significant impact on the environment. On its own, it accounts for approximately 38% of global CO₂ emissions and 50% of global resources extracted for the production of its materials (United Nations Environment Programme). These two statistics highlight the need to rethink our material choices and the strategic importance of the sector from an environmental perspective.

But first and foremost, what is a "sustainable" or "eco-friendly" material? It is difficult to provide a universal definition that would suit all institutions and certifications... However, they generally encompass the fundamental principles of sustainable development that we already know, combined with those specific to the construction sector.

According to Wikipedia, eco-friendly materials are materials that meet the technical criteria of construction (safety, durability, maintenance...) as well as environmental criteria such as:

  • a reasoned sourcing of raw materials (preferably local),

  • durability over time (composition based on renewable materials),

  • low energy consumption for production and use,

  • ability to be reused and/or recycled at the end of life,

  • non-release of toxic substances over time...


Some examples of durable materials

There is already a wide variety of sustainable material options available for the construction market. Besides reused carpets, which we will discuss further in this article, you have the opportunity to explore other options that meet your project's needs while respecting your sustainability goals.


🌱 Hempcrete

Hempcrete is a natural building material made from a mixture of lime, hemp, and water. Much lighter than traditional concrete, it has the ability to effectively redistribute moisture, thereby improving its thermal performance. It is also an excellent sound insulator due to the porosity and cavernous structure of the hemp shivs, which absorb sound waves.


🧱 Monolithic brick

Monolithic bricks are made from natural materials such as raw or fired earth, and notably without the addition of other harmful chemicals. These bricks are significantly thicker than traditional bricks and have numerous cavities that enable natural regulation of indoor temperature, thereby reducing the need for heating and air conditioning.


🌴 Bamboo

Bamboo grows quickly and in many places, making it a highly renewable material that requires minimal polluting transportation. In addition to being very strong (up to 8 times stronger than wood fiber), bamboo is a real carbon sink! By absorbing approximately 30% more CO₂ than most trees, it also releases a significantly larger amount of oxygen into the air.


🐑 Sheep wool

Sheep wool naturally regulates ambient humidity by absorbing 30% of its weight in water, making it a natural insulating material with excellent thermal properties. In addition to being 100% recyclable, it is also easy to install and move, which promotes its reusability. Unlike other insulation materials, sheep wool poses no risk of skin or respiratory irritation.


Reused carpets: what does it mean?

Reused carpet as a sustainable construction material, does that ring a bell? Often discarded at the end of its life, carpet is nevertheless one of the few materials that can guarantee a very high recycling rate with attractive economic conditions. Interested? Let's get started!

The concept is based on the recovery, refurbishment, and reuse of carpets from deconstruction sites. Typically, these used carpets end up in the incinerator after only a few years of use... Burning oil with oil? 🤔 Isn't there a better way when considering the CO₂ footprint of the sector? Fortunately, attitudes are changing and solutions are evolving!

👉 Our reuse and recycling solution is officially cheaper than incineration, and that's good news! We'll discuss it further below.

Once in our hands, these used carpets are carefully sorted, deep-cleaned, and refurbished through certified methodology before being reintroduced into the reuse market for construction projects.

♻️ This approach extends the lifespan of carpets and reduces waste and overproduction of materials, thereby contributing to more sustainable and ecological (de)construction projects.


🤑 Economic benefits

By choosing reused carpets, you can achieve significant cost savings compared to new options. Often offered at advantageous rates, reused carpets can drastically reduce the costs of your construction project.

At Composil, we offer a stock of 30,000m² composed exclusively of medium and high-end references. All at 50% of the new purchase price 😉

>Learn more: Office layout :reuse carpets gaining ground



🍃 Environmental benefits

By choosing reused carpets, you are taking a concrete step towards sustainability in the construction sector! By avoiding the production of new carpets, you reduce the demand for raw materials, energy consumption, and greenhouse gas emissions associated with the production of new construction materials.

At Composil, we also have a recycling solution for tiles that are too worn out and damaged.

> Learn more : Reuse and recycling of carpet tiles


⚙️ Practical integration

Attention, these are not just second-hand carpets! They undergo precise quality control before being removed from their previous owner's premises. Once you communicate your choice of reference, you can be assured of receiving high-quality carpets that have regained their initial properties! And all at a reduced cost.




🧼 Final step: maintenance!

We place great importance on preserving the integrity of carpet fibers through a precise methodology certified by leading manufacturers. Our expertise allows us to clean and maintain carpets tailored to various situations and specific client requirements. In doing so, we ensure that occupants of the space enjoy a comfortable and healthy environment while further extending the textile's lifespan.

Carpet cleaning : is a cleaning company sufficient?